install psql on ubuntu 16.04

Postgres installation on ubunut 16.04

if youre using the root user

apt-get update

update the ubuntu repository

apt-get upgrade

upgrade the package to the latest version

its updating the packages now

Once its update and the packages will upgrade now

sudo apt-get upgrade

now going to download the postgres 9.5 in ubunutu

type the below command

apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Once it will done ,This will showing the configuration file file path and data path also in terminal

now we are going to login to the postgres9.5

for login with postgres need to use this command

su postgres (via this user only we able to access the database )

Type with psql and enter it will allow to login to psql terminal

need to change the password for connect from the client tool like (Pg Admin) for change the password for postgres

#\password postgres

now we need to change the configuration settings in configuration files in postgresql .

With out changes we able to connect the psql from local host only but we have the pg admin in some another system in same network

for editing configuration files I am using the filezilla client

my linux ip address is –

connect the psql server via filezilla and goto the following path


Find the below line and add the following line the conf file

here my network is range is to so I will added below if have the two network means you may given to network ip ,for example if youre connected through vpn means the ip will assign series you have to enter the in the configuration file

Find the following line and edit below

In the same path postgresql.conf file is there click on edit and find the

listen_address = 'localhost' and change as a listen_address='*'

need to remove the #  before the line

now we need to restart the postgres9.5

now we able to connect from the pgadmin

click on the save

now we able to run the query

Please refer the following youtube link for install psql on ubuntu 16.04 


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