Enable the SSL in jetty web server

Enable the SSL in jetty web server

Operating system : Ubuntu 16.04.03

Jetty server :9.4.7

First enter the following command
java -jar start.jar –-add-to-startd=ssl

This command will make a directory in the jetty called start.d and also copy the file ssl.ini ,Copy the keystore from the modules/ssl/keystore to etc/ssl

We need to add the two lines in the ssl.ini /opt/Jetty_Ssl/start.d

Add this two lines end of the document
Find my ssl.ini file below

Goto modifying the editing on the start.ini
We need to enter the following line in start.ini in end of the document
Find my start.ini file below
# ---------------------------------------
# Module: ssl
# Enables a TLS(SSL) Connector on the server.
# This may be used for HTTPS and/or HTTP2 by enabling
# the associated support modules.
# ---------------------------------------

### TLS(SSL) Connector Configuration

## Connector host/address to bind to

## Connector port to listen on

## Connector idle timeout in milliseconds

## Connector socket linger time in seconds (-1 to disable)
# jetty.ssl.soLingerTime=-1

## Number of acceptors (-1 picks default based on number of cores)
# jetty.ssl.acceptors=-1

## Number of selectors (-1 picks default based on number of cores)
# jetty.ssl.selectors=-1

## ServerSocketChannel backlog (0 picks platform default)
# jetty.ssl.acceptorQueueSize=0

## Thread priority delta to give to acceptor threads
# jetty.ssl.acceptorPriorityDelta=0

## Preallocated producer threads (0 disables EatWhatYouKill scheduling)
# jetty.ssl.reservedThreads=-1

## Connect Timeout in milliseconds
# jetty.ssl.connectTimeout=15000

## Whether request host names are checked to match any SNI names
# jetty.ssl.sniHostCheck=true

## max age in seconds for a Strict-Transport-Security response header (default -1)
# jetty.ssl.stsMaxAgeSeconds=31536000

## include subdomain property in any Strict-Transport-Security header (default false)
# jetty.ssl.stsIncludeSubdomains=true

### SslContextFactory Configuration
## Note that OBF passwords are not secure, just protected from casual observation
## See http://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/current/configuring-security-secure-passwords.html

## SSL JSSE Provider
# jetty.sslContext.provider=

## Keystore file path (relative to $jetty.base)
# jetty.sslContext.keyStorePath=etc/keystore

## Truststore file path (relative to $jetty.base)
# jetty.sslContext.trustStorePath=etc/keystore

## Keystore password
# jetty.sslContext.keyStorePassword=OBF:1vny1zlo1x8e1vnw1vn61x8g1zlu1vn4

## Keystore type and provider
# jetty.sslContext.keyStoreType=JKS
# jetty.sslContext.keyStoreProvider=

## KeyManager password
# jetty.sslContext.keyManagerPassword=OBF:1u2u1wml1z7s1z7a1wnl1u2g

## Truststore password
# jetty.sslContext.trustStorePassword=OBF:1vny1zlo1x8e1vnw1vn61x8g1zlu1vn4

## Truststore type and provider
# jetty.sslContext.trustStoreType=JKS
# jetty.sslContext.trustStoreProvider=

## whether client certificate authentication is required
# jetty.sslContext.needClientAuth=false

## Whether client certificate authentication is desired
# jetty.sslContext.wantClientAuth=false

## Whether cipher order is significant (since java 8 only)
# jetty.sslContext.useCipherSuitesOrder=true

## To configure Includes / Excludes for Cipher Suites or Protocols see tweak-ssl.xml example at
## https://www.eclipse.org/jetty/documentation/current/configuring-ssl.html#configuring-sslcontextfactory-cipherSuites

## Set the size of the SslSession cache
# jetty.sslContext.sslSessionCacheSize=-1

## Set the timeout (in seconds) of the SslSession cache timeout
# jetty.sslContext.sslSessionTimeout=-1

## Allow SSL renegotiation
# jetty.sslContext.renegotiationAllowed=true
# jetty.sslContext.renegotiationLimit=5

## Connector port to listen on

now you can check in your browser

Refer the video for the ssl configuration in jetty


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