How to install Edubuntu in Windows through oracle VM

How to install EdUbuntu in oracle virtual box

My system
Host machine : windows 10
Virtual software : Oracle virtual box
Processor           : core i5
RAM                 : 8GB

For download the edubutu goto this site

Once you get the iso image file

Click on the new button

After getting the create virtual machine console fill the following details

Now click on the create button

Now provide the hard disk space  and click on the create button
Once its created goto setting on the top

Need to choose the image from the Storage option and click on the empty  

below the controller:IDE ,Then click on the choose virtual optical disk file

Browse the image file and select Edubuntu iso file

Now click on the open and once its selected the properly
the empty coloum will change with iso file name before click ok check there once

now we need click on the start button

First we need select the language

From the next screen we need to choose the install Edubuntu

After click that it will start the installation

Now the GUI installer will be open

Choose English and click on the continue

If you have active internet connection click on install this third-party software

now click on continue

Next screen It will showing the two GUI option one from GNOME project
and one more from the Ubuntu GUI here I will choose the Ubuntu GUI only

And click on continue now

Edubuntu installation options I will selected the all the packages and click on the continue button

From next partition screen
I will choose the Erase disk and install Edubuntu
(Installation on Virtual box it will deleted or modified from which we are allocation for this OS
it will not affect you Host OS)

now click on the continue

Choose the time zone of your country

Click Continue

Choose the keyboard layout English US

From this account we able to run the root privilege access

After it will started the coping file to system it will take 30 to 50 mints to complete

Once everything copied it will asking for restart click on restart

The Edubuntu has been successfully installed now

Please check this out in youtube


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