Enable the SSL in jetty web server
Enable the SSL in jetty web server Operating system : Ubuntu 16.04.03 Jetty server :9.4.7 First enter the following command java -jar start.jar –-add-to-startd=ssl This command will make a directory in the jetty called start.d and also copy the file ssl.ini ,Copy the keystore from the modules/ssl/keystore to etc/ssl We need to add the two lines in the ssl.ini /opt/Jetty_Ssl/start.d Add this two lines end of the document --module=ssl --module=https Find my ssl.ini file below Goto modifying the editing on the start.ini We need to enter the following line in start.ini in end of the document jetty.ssl.port=8443 Find my start.ini file below # --------------------------------------- # Module: ssl # Enables a TLS(SSL) Connector on the server. # This may be used for HTTPS and/or HTTP2 by enabling # the associated support modules. # --------------------------------------- --module=ssl ### TLS(SSL) Connector Configuration ## Connector hos...
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