htop memory managment tool

                     Htop memory management tool guide

htop replacement of top command in linux

cons in top command
  • not able to sort by memory usage,pid,cpu usage and etc
  • not able the see the core in Graph

top like below screen shot ,
who are all working with linux there are normal using top command only


but in htop you can we will see the feature of the htop

for installating the htop in linux see the below link

htop like below

first we will see about the search feature in htop by clik on f3 you can get that feature

I will search with java it will showing the only java related things

F4 as a filter its sort the only related the keyword

here I will filter with sbin keyword

F5 as a tree this one is nice feature in linux

it will show the which one parent process and which are the child process

you also short by memory,cpu,PID and etc...

If you have the putty you also short by click on the cpu or memory

if you dont have putty working with CLI you use like below

using up arrow or down arrow for choosing

F7 and F8 using the changing the propriety of the user nice-(F7) and nice+(F8)

F9 for kill the process
For kill the process I will choose the following process

3827 PID click on the space for the choosing the process and click the F9 button

while press the F9 it will show the which signal you need to sent the process

show I will choose the 9 SIGKILL it will kill that whole the process

now it will not there

and one more feature is available for the customize for the this window

in top right I will add some feature

I will add the battery, time and hostname

 Refer the video for the guide how to use the htop memory management tool

and F10 for quit


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