How to install the ubuntu-16.04.2-server in oracle virutual box
How to install the ubuntu-16.04.2-server in oracle virutual
Step 1: Open the virtual box
Step 2: Now Click on the New icon
Step 3:Now the Name and operating system dialogue box will
open give the operating system name, Given the details as per your requirement
and select the architecture
Step 4:Now select the memory size
Step 5 :Choose the Create a virtual hard disk now
Step 6:Now select virtual hard disk image
Step 7: now select the Dynamically allocated
step 8:now select the file location and the storage
step 10 :now the test server configured now boot the OS
Step 11: In settings go storage
Step 12 : under the controller:IDE choose the empty then
Step 13 :select the optical drive icon
Setp 14: Select the image file of the os
Step 15 :After saving the setting Click on the start icon and now the os has been started and now goto install the ubuntu server
Step 16 :here I will choose a english language in next screen enter the ubuntu server
Step 18 : now choose the language for installation and that
will default to the os language also
Step 19 : now it will asked for select the country and region choose and press enter
Step 20 : for configuring the keyboard select the no and
choose the manual selection and choose the english us
Step 21: again choose the English US and press enter and
after that in configure network page you enter the server host name
Step 22 :The next screen will appeared for the
non-administrative privileges but you can use the sudo key word then you
working on the all administrative acts
Step 22: now enter the
user name and password,For security purpose it will asking the twice password
enter asking just given and enter
Step 23:The next screen asking the home directory encryption
(While encryption it will while login the system it will decrypted the
files ,While logout it will encrypted the file non readable format) ,Here I
will give no .
Step 24 :if youre enable the network with online I will automatically detected the time zone
Step 26:Just click on yes and continue
Step 25: now its going
to partition disk window in that choose Guided – use entire disk because
we already allocate the disk space 8GB ,it will not affected the physical disk
Step 26: Now press enter and proceed
Step 27 :Now its show the details of partition of disk space
and choose yes (write changes on the disk)
Step 28 :now the installation is going on
Step 29 : we are configure locally so just skip it ,press
enter on the continue
Step 30: Configuring apt its just get the package of the
Step 31 : In security update choose on the no automatic
Step 32:then it will showing the packages for install choose
open ssh for remote connection ,other packages later we will configure after
completing packages are installed .
Step 33:Show the GREB boot record choose yes with out
installing the Operating system will not booted
Step 34: after completing the installation remove the iso
operating system
After done this the OS will started successfully
Please refer the youtube link for the step by step installation of ubuntu installation in oracle virtual box
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