
Showing posts from March, 2018

How to configure the apache2 in the ubuntu 16.04 Step by Step

How to configure the apache2 in the ubuntu 16.04 Step by Step Refer the video for configure apache2 in youtube For installing the apache2 configuration first we need to update the apt get repository now we need to install the apche2 with the following command         #apt-get install apache2 Give the following command to start the apache2     #service apache2 star     t for checking the service status     #service apche2 status Now we going to allow the apche2 service through firewall for that we need to check the firewall status this will shows which are the ports allowed by the firewall now we enable the apche2 with following command           #ufw app list   this command will show the which are the service available in the ubuntu16.04 here showing following the apache apache – only 80 port allow (enable http) apache full – allow the 80 and 443 in the firewall (enable the http and https) apache secure – allow

Jetty server 9.4.7 start in ubuntu 16.04

                               Jetty configuration 9.4.7 Download the jetty form the jetty website  Goto jetty download page Here I need jetty 9.4.7 so I go to the old release Download the jetty 9.4.7 V20170914 Once you download transfer the jetty to Linux server here I will use for transfer the Filezilla After extract Now I am using the putty console for access the jetty server In Jetty 9.4.7 Configuration file is jetty-http.xml for started as http Find the <Set name =  tag in the xml file and on default change the port as a 10001 (Default no:8080) This will change now now write and quite :wq Start the jetty server with following command java -jar start.jar It will start now and we need to add this port into the firewall ubuntu 16.04 Now you able to access from browser from your local network Its started now Default in jetty 9.4.7 no war files under webapps folder so it will show like 404 error For enable the https in jetty 9.4.7 Please r

Enable the SSL in jetty web server

Enable the SSL in jetty web server Operating system : Ubuntu 16.04.03 Jetty server :9.4.7 First enter the following command java -jar start.jar –-add-to-startd=ssl This command will make a directory in the jetty called start.d and also copy the file ssl.ini ,Copy the keystore from the modules/ssl/keystore to etc/ssl We need to add the two lines in the ssl.ini /opt/Jetty_Ssl/start.d Add this two lines end of the document --module=ssl --module=https Find my ssl.ini file below Goto modifying the editing on the start.ini We need to enter the following line in start.ini in end of the document jetty.ssl.port=8443 Find my start.ini file below # --------------------------------------- # Module: ssl # Enables a TLS(SSL) Connector on the server. # This may be used for HTTPS and/or HTTP2 by enabling # the associated support modules. # --------------------------------------- --module=ssl ### TLS(SSL) Connector Configuration ## Connector hos